McDermott International, Inc. (MDR) has been awarded a contract award by Petrobras for a natural gas pipeline project in support of the client’s Santos basin pre-salt field program.
The contract covers the implementation of the ultra-shallow segment of the new Rota 3 gas export pipeline. The scope of work includes design and detailed engineering, procurement, construction and installation of six miles (10km) of a 24-inch rigid concrete coated pipeline from the already installed shallow water segment of this new pipeline system to the shore, including a horizontal directional drill, tie-in spools and pre-commissioning of the six mile (10 kilometers) pipeline. Overall project management and engineering will be performed by McDermott’s team in Rio de Janeiro, with support from the Houston team.
Rota 3 is a 220 miles (355km) rigid pipeline project by Petrobras is part of the company’s Santos Basin pre-salt gas offloading and transportation system. The project is split into three subsea segments and one onshore segment. McDermott has been awarded the third subsea segment: an ultra-shallow pipelay connecting the shallow segment to the onshore segment at Maricá City, 62 miles (100km) north of Rio de Janeiro.