McDermott installs single point mooring tower

McDermott International successfully concluded the transportation and installation of a yoke-type single point mooring tower and hook up to a floating storage offloading (FSO) vessel for PT Rekayasa Industri in the Banyu Urip field offshore Indonesia. PT Rekayasa Industri was appointed by Mobil Cepu, an ExxonMobil subsidiary, as one of the engineering, procurement, construction and installation contractors for the field.

“PT Rekayasa Industri awarded the contract to McDermott earlier this year”, said Hugh Cuthbertson, vice president and general manager, Asia Pacific. “The McDermott Derrick Barge 30 undertook the mooring tower installation and hook up to the FSO, successfully completing the offshore campaign without any Lost Time Incidents.” The yoke-type single point mooring tower is a critical component that enables mooring of the FSO unit at the site.

The Banyu Urip full field development is planned to produce 165,000 barrels of oil per day from facilities that include 48 wells on three well pads, a central processing facility, and a 60mi pipeline to transfer the processed oil to a 1.7 million barrel floating storage and offloading (FSO) unit in the Java Sea.

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