Metso delivers to Greenfield plants

Metso will deliver comprehensive automation and safety solutions for two greenfield plants being built by Neste Oil Corp. in Singapore and in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The metsoDNA automation systems for both locations include control room stations and equipment, redundant process control stations, integrated HIMA safety systems as well as field equipment maintenance stations. Metso Automation will be working closely with Neste Oil and Technip Italy, the main contractor for both sites. Construction has already started in Singapore and the plant is scheduled to be taken into operation by the end of 2010. The Rotterdam plant will be finalized during 2011. The production capacity of the both plants will be 800,000t/a of NExTBL Renewable Diesel. The new automation systems will incorporate many features in operator interface, diagnostics and system interfaces jointly developed by Neste Oil and Metso during these two projects. Metso Automation has also been awarded a contract for the delivery of a metsoDNA CR automation system to the new combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) in Bandirma, Turkey. The 920MW power plant will be built for the Turkish company EnerjiSA Enerji Üretim AS, a joint venture between the Turkish Holding Sabanci and the Austrian Verbund. Operational status is scheduled for summer 2010. The new CCPP is based mainly on two gas turbines, one steam turbine – each delivering more than 300MW – and two heat recovery steam generators.
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