Mike Zivic changes direction

After 17 years with Velan Valves, Mike Zivic retired at the start of November. As Velan’s VP International Sales, Mike was well-known and highly respected throughout the industry.

Mike Zivic, who has just retired as VP International Sales at Velan.
Mike has made a conscious decision to retire at a relatively young age in order to re-channel his energies. As he himself said, this is by no means the end of his active life, but more the beginning of a quality life. In fact, Mike may well be busier than ever, as he aims to strike a balance between family, work (in the family business), charity (he is the president elect of the Rotary Club of the Montréal), health (in addition to tennis he plans to take up swimming) and last but not least, something that he has always wanted to find the time to do: devote time to personal spiritual growth.

Many colleagues at Valve World have fond memories of working with Mike, who was a regular on the Velan booth at our exhibitions and an active member of the Conference Steering Committee. We too wish him well in all his future endeavours.

Mike’s role will be taken up by Gino Loggia, who has been a Velan team member for over 11 years. The former international sales manager has just been promoted to Sales Director for South East Asia (SEA), Latin America (LAM), and Middle East and Africa (MEA), plus India and Italy.

This photo takes us back to the year 2000, and the Valve World Exhibition in The Hague, The Netherlands. Barrie Kirkman (then BP), presented an award for Environmentally Friendly Valves to Neil Wagstaff (then Heaton Valves) and Mike Zivic.
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