Mobile dosing station

The new Mobile dosing station from Lutz-Jesco GmbH is mainly applied for the dosing of liquid disinfectants when conditioning fresh and well water, as well as wastewater. It may be used in industrial applications, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, and in swimming pools. All components of the dosing station are mounted on a platform trolley with a loading area of approx. 1,000 x 700mm. A PP collecting basin accommodates the disinfectant tanks. The dosing pump is located at the extended back board of the basin. The solenoid-driven diaphragm dosing pump Magdos DX as an integral part of the station can be used universally and communicates with all standard control signals. The multifunction valve Pentabloc features five functions for operation of the Magdos: backpressure function, antisyphon function, safety valve function, pressure relief function and dosing monitoring function. Tubing, injection nozzle, ball valves, and connections are integral part of the station. Also available are mobile stations with double diaphragm pumps.

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