More valves for Chinese plants

In the Market research and Investment Analysis Report of Valves in Nuclear Power Plants 2012-2016, it disclosed that more valves would be needed since the installed capacity of NPPs in China was enlarged.

The cost of valves is 5.2% of the total investment in NPPs and the maintenance cost possesses more than 50% of the total maintenance fees. It spends 1350 million RMB on maintenance of a nuclear power plant with two 1000 MW units in total each year. Wherein, the cost of valves maintenance and replacement is nearly 50%, equal to 67 million RMB per year.

The data in the report shows that the newly increased capacity of NPPs in China is approximately 2 GW and the total investment on NPPs is about 80.6 billion RMB. The investment on equipment was 48.1 billion in total in 2010, which was 60% of the total investment. Valves procurement in NPPs represented 2.5 billion RMB while valves maintenance and replacement cost 3.35 billion RMB.

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