MPO expands delivery of NSD CC

Managed Pressure Operations International Ltd. (MPO), a provider of technologically advanced managed pressure drilling systems is expanding its delivery of the innovative Non-Stop Driller (NSD) Continuous Circulation (CC) system, announced Charles Orbell, President and CEO.

By maintaining constant bottom hole pressure and enabling continuous hole cleaning during connections, the NSD continuous circulation system prevents well bore ballooning, stuck pipe incidents and connection gas buildup significantly reducing non-productive time. The NSD is now being utilized successfully in operations from the United States to the Middle East and Asia.

The NSD sub consists of a ball valve and custom-designed, high-pressure side entry connection valve and can be rapidly prepared to accommodate all drilling pipe connection sizes and types.

As a cost-effective continuous circulation system, the NSD system can be used in a wide range of applications including: conventional overbalanced drilling; deep-water operations; extended reach drilling of long high angle or horizontal sections; high pressure, high temperature wells; air and foam drilling; managed pressure drilling operations; and underbalanced drilling operations.

“The NSD system provides operators with a leading edge technical solution for challenging drilling conditions throughout the global drilling market,” said Orbell. “A recent series of contract awards from major operators is a significant step forward not only for MPO, but for the industry as new enabling technologies like the Non-Stop Driller are recognized and deployed to improve drilling performance and well integrity.”

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