The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry is excited to announce the official ANSI approval of MSS as the new U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator to International Standardization Organization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 153, Valves. The scope of this ISO committee includes industrial valves and valve actuators; including their attachments and steam traps. The involvement helps to ensure the continuation of U.S. participation within the ISO TC process for this valve committee.
Many of the members already participate within the ISO, and MSS has been an industry forum to examine the revision and development of international standards for almost 100 years. This new position helps to maintain U.S. involvement in TC 153 and elevates the support for, and engagement within, the national advisory process and the international standardization community. This is a significant opportunity for MSS and its membership and is honored to be part of, and to support, the U.S. national and the ISO standardization process. More information will be provided in the upcoming months while we work to integrate the ANSI and the ISO processes within MSS. Note that a U.S. TAG is made up of representatives of materially and directly affected U.S. organizations and works to prepare U.S. positions and contributions for the applicable international committees, including proposed ballots and draft revisions. ANSI is the U.S. voting member to ISO and will coordinate directly with MSS staff, as the U.S. TAG administrator, for the ISO valve committee.