New HDPE valve cuts energy consumption

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has recently upgraded its drainage pumping stations with the introduction of a new Archimedes screw pump equipped with a new High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) flap valve. The project was designed and installed by ECS Engineering Services with initial energy consumption figures showing a reduction of over 40% compared to the original arrangement.

Natural Resources WalesThe new 1,000mm HDPE flap valve will ensure the complete installation will provide a durable and efficient pumping solution for many years to come. In this type of situation, ECS used one of its certified underwater dive teams to install the new flap valve and the sub frame for the new screw pump. This approach also meant that the local water levels remained unaffected throughout the project.

Jamie Wesley, Commercial Manager, Water Control Division at ECS, comments: “This project demonstrates just one of the many applications that can benefit from the durable design of HDPE flap valves. The reduced weight compared to the cast iron alternative means that the pump uses less energy to maintain the flow of water, increasing the overall savings created by this project.” ECS can install a range of corrosion resistant, lightweight flap valves, designed to suit a range of installations.

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