New LMS virtual.lab motion extension

LMS International has extended LMS Virtual.Lab motion with solver technologies and new modeling capabilities to simulate real-life system dynamics. As a result, Virtual.Lab motion is claimed to allow users to accurately simulate the internal forces and accelerations of those mechanisms, which are typically very difficult to measure through prototype tests. The Auto-recursive solver takes advantage of repeated bodies connected by revolute, rev-rev, or rev-trans kinematic constraints. LMS believes that Virtual.Lab Motion offers an implementation of the Auto-recursive solver, since it co-exists with the traditional motion solver in a single, integrated system. Virtual.Lab Motion Rev 5 combines the deployment of the Auto-recursive solver with a new Sub-mechanisms capability. With Rev 5, Virtual.Lab motion uses an algorithm to compute the contact forces and local deformation of a flexible body intermittently hitting a rigid sphere. Typical applications for the new functions include sunroofs, roller bearings, telescopic shafts, valves, timing chains, elevators, aircraft wing flap and latch mechanisms, for instance.

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