New oxygen service clean room facilities

AMPO POYAM VALVES recently installed new Oxygen service cleanroom facilities in its valve manufacturing plant in Idiazabal and are nowadays fully operational. Oxygen is reactive at ambient conditions, and its reactivity increases with increasing pressure, temperature, and concentration. Most materials, metallic and non-metallic, are flammable in high-pressure oxygen, and that is why AMPO POYAM VALVES oxygen service valves are designed and manufactured without any ignition hazards. 
The new ISO 7 cleanroom for oxygen service valves has been built following ISO 14644 standard and counts with the following areas: an entrance and a changing room, a dark room, an assembly area, and a testing and packing area.
Here it assures cleanliness at every manufacturing step.
The successful design, development, and operation of oxygen service valves require special knowledge and understanding of material properties, design, ignition mechanisms, and manufacturing and operational processes, and AMPO has a wide experience in oxygen service valve design and manufacturing.
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