New quarter-turn actuators with counterweights

At the beginning of the year, KSB Aktiengesellschaft (Frankenthal, Germany) launched a series of actuators with counter-weights. The new product has been designed to be mounted onto butterfly valves sized DN 700 to DN 2600 and can be employed world-wide in pipelines of the water and energy industries. Valves equipped with these actuators can be used instead of swing check valves in the piping of large power stations and serve as safety valves protecting pipelines and turbines in dam applications. Depending on the butterfly valve size, the actuator consists of one or two single-acting hydraulic working cylinders. Externally supplied with pressure, they lift the counterweights thereby causing the valve disc to open. Through force of gravity the weights always close the valve reliably. Hydraulic dampening enables closing of the valve at two speeds. The opening and closing operation is actuated via a hydraulic distributor that is either controlled by a local control box or an external control panel. Electric limit switches receiving a pressure or travel length signal give a feedback on the valve disc’s position to a higher-level control station. The hydraulic system and the control box can be designed and supplied by KSB in line with customer’s specifications. A safety locking device allows the valve to be locked both in the open and closed positions.

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