A water reclamation facility in Australia harnesses and cleans stormwater, then pumps it back into the aquifer.
Text & images by Acrodyne
Site overview

The Water Reclamation Plant is located in the Adelaide coastal water catchment area in South Australia. The plant was built to capture stormwater from the metropolitan and industrial areas of Adelaide, and then process it through a UV and chemical treatment system. Once the cleaning process is complete, the water is then fed back into the water table.
The project
The reclamation plant is a new facility that formed part of an initiative during periods of drought. The plant was constructed to reclaim rain and stormwater, it required the supply of 18 x IP68 weatherproof quarter-turn electric actuators mounted to butterfly valves. These are principally isolation valves with some flow control valves.
The solution
The project was tendered, and as a result, Acrodyne in conjunction with Emerson Valves and Control, were able to offer a package that included 18 Limitorque QX quarter-turn electric actuators mounted to Emerson butterfly valves. Acrodyne was also able to offer after-sales support to assist in the install and setup of the project. The actuators and valves were mounted and the software setup was arranged in the company’s Quick Response Centre (QRC) located in the Melbourne Acrodyne office.
The result
Once the Limitorque QX electric actuators and Emerson butterfly valves were delivered, Acrodyne’s service technicians were onsite to assist and advise the third-party civil contractor to make the installation as simple as possible. Now that the units are installed, and with the after-sales service and support of Acrodyne, the end user can enjoy the following benefits:
• No batteries
• Simple setup
• No maintenance
• Support and service of the plant’s equipment