Now on-line: VW2010 Videos Galore!

The Valve World 2010 Conference and Exhibition, recently held in Dusseldorf, Germany, was a hotbed of discussions, debates and technical knowledge transfer concerning the flow control industry.
Valve World’s editors were out in force, trying to capture as much of what went on as possible. Armed with notepad and camera we spoke to suppliers and end users  about their particular valve or actuator interests.
Many of these interviews have been recorded on video! So why not take a look at our dedicated Valve World 2010 page and check out what the following people said:
  • David Dunbar
  • John Bowers
  • Marie Murphy
  • Rob Jaspers
  • Mr Ono
  • Mr Al-Shehri
  • Paolo Bargamini
  • Peter Scheermesser
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