Nuytco selects SubConn connectors

Operating out of Vancouver, Canada, Nuytco Research specialises in development and operation of undersea technology. The company designs, builds and operates a range of atmospheric diving suits, submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, lights, thrusters and other specialist equipment for underwater applications. Nuytco and its sister company, Can-Dive Construction, hold more than forty years of experience working around the world.

Efficient and reliable connectivity solutions comprise a mission critical constituent of high-tech underwater systems. Nuytco manned submersibles and Exosuit extensively use SubConn bulkhead connectors and cable assemblies in a variety of designs and body materials. On the latter, SubConn 13 pin Power and Ethernet and 8-pin Ethernet cable assemblies allow for the transmission of high definition video imagery from the suit back to vessel or shore based operators.

Nuytco Lead Engineering Technologist Mike Reay has been particularly impressed with just how well SubConn® products perform in high-pressure subsea environments and applications: “Coupled with timely local and global MacArtney availability and customer support, the excellent performance and reliability of SubConn connectors make them an integral part of Nuytco’s manned submersible product line.”

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