OCV Control Valves appoints new Director of Sales

OCV Control Valves, LLC, a manufacturer of hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valves, has appointed Shirley Nelson as a Director of Sales. In Nelson’s new role, she will oversee customer enhancement initiatives, OCV’s global sales team, and strategic partnerships.

Nelson most recently served as OCV’s Regional Sales Manager for the company’s international fueling division, focusing on military, commercial aviation and terminal fueling. She is a veteran in the industry with nearly two decades in the water and wastewater industries, including 10 years in the control valve industry.

OCV Control Valves was founded by Tex Radford who began designing and manufacturing control valves from his small machine shop in Tulsa more than 60 years ago. Presently, that small machine shop has expanded into three companies, multiple product lines, and buildings covering a city block in the Tulsa area.

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