Pöyry will design wastewater treatment plant

Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY) has awarded Pöyry detailed engineering assignments for the Blominmäki wastewater treatment plant to be built in Espoo, Finland. The assignments include the structural and architectural design of the treatment plant, electrical, instrumentation and automation design, area planning, and the geotechnical engineering of aboveground structures.

The Blominmäki treatment plant will replace the Suomenoja treatment plant in 2020, and it will treat the wastewater of 400,000 residents. The Blominmäki treatment plant will be built mainly underground in caverns excavated into bedrock, and the excavation project is already in progress. Pöyry has prepared rock mechanics and geotechnical designs for the facility at an earlier stage of the project. Design processes under the new assignments started in March 2016.

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