Preventing leakage

CCI Sweden (formerly BTG Valves) has enhanced its VST-SE valve to include Class V shut-off capabilities to prevent leakage in a wider range of steam conditioning applications. The VST-SE is a multi-stage steam conditioning valve that combines the benefits of low noise and vibration levels with high rangeability, typically at least 50:1. VST-SE was designed to provide this improved rangeability even when a multistage pressure reduction arrangement is required to minimise noise and vibration. All spray water injection takes place after the final steam pressure reduction stage, avoiding risk for erosion and cracking of valve body and internals. The VST-SE also utilises the inlet steam to atomise the cooling water. This steam atomization principle provides a cooling system whose performance is independent of the steam flow velocity at the water injection point. Thus it is insensitive to the downstream steam velocity from the water evaporation point of view. VST-SE has a unique patented design solution for control of the atomizing steam creating the high system rangeability.
The VST-SE is developed to be able to run in parallel with extraction and back pressure turbines under a wide range of conditions. The valve also does excellent service in industrial and utility power plants for auxiliary steam.

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