Rotork actuators for Asian refineries

Two of the world’s largest refineries, between them equipped with over 5000 Rotork IQ intelligent electric valve actuators and Rotork Pakscan 2-wire digital control systems when built in the late 1990s, have turned to Rotork again for the operation of valves in new tank farm extensions. The giant Reliance Oil refinery at Jamnagar in India and the equally huge Formosa Plastics Chemical Company’s Mai-Liao refinery at Kao Hsiung in Tiawan are both near to completing extensive new tank farm and storage facilities. In both cases, Rotork has been awarded the valve actuation contracts and is once again supplying “non-intrusive” IQ intelligent actuators. For Jamnagar, 600 IQ actuators with Exeeco gearboxes have been delivered to the Italian factory of Tyco Valves and Controls to be fitted to Vanessa Series 30,000 rotary process valves. A further 54 IQ actuators have been supplied to the German valve maker Adams for the same project. In Taiwan, 134 IQ actuators and Exeeco gearboxes will operate tricentric butterfly valves manufactured locally by Value Valves.

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