Safety-monitoring software from ACM

ACM Facility Safety released the SafeGuard Sentinel safety-monitoring software to measure, monitor and alert operations and management to process safety risks. The software also delivers contingency plans that can be executed immediately to address issues and reduce risk.

SafeGuard Sentinel runs on a Windows-based server in a plant network, and can be accessed by any device capable of running a browser, including DCS workstations, operator terminals, tablets and smartphones. The SafeGuard Sentinel server connects through OPC and ODBC, allowing it to gather information from a variety of systems including DCSes, PLCs and PACs from all major control system suppliers. Other sources of data typically include safety systems, historians, SCADA systems, maintenance systems, operator logbooks and workflow tracking systems.

SafeGuard Sentinel integrates data from these various systems to create an all-inclusive database of information including Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies and Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA). SafeGuard Sentinel uses this information to provide situational analysis and contingency plans for process safety situations. By comparing the real-time measured risk level with the designed level of risk, SafeGuard Sentinel provides quantitative, leading metrics showing changes in risk over time. Management can use SafeGuard Sentinel to see how process risk is changing, and benchmark safety performance across process units or entire plants.

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