Samson Pfeiffer expands its portfolio

PFEIFFER Chemie-Armaturenbau GmbH now manufactures DN 125 and DN 150 valve sizes of its Type 26d Ball Valve. These new valve sizes extend the series and provide a competitive alternative in this product segment. Mr Klaus Kremer, product manager responsible for the valve, describes the Type 26d Ball Valve as an all-round talent for a wide variety of applications in the chemical industry. The Type 26d Ball Valve is engineered to meet the specifications of chemical giants, such as BASF, Bayer, Merck, and Evonik. The valve type is now available in sizes from DN 15 to 150. 
The tight-closing ball valve engineered by PFEIFFER is installed in pipelines used for aggressive media, particularly for strict requirements in chemical applications. As a result, safety reserves were a major consideration to be taken into account during development. All wetted seals are made of PTFE.
Besides the guaranteed trouble-free transmission of very high torques and suitability even when operated under the most severe conditions, the new Type 26d Valves have a blow-out-proof shaft. The ball valves meet the strict requirements imposed by the chemical industry through the exclusive use of high-grade materials and their design proven over many decades.
The PTFE V-ring packing loaded by disk springs means the shaft seal requires no maintenance or readjustment. The packing system meets the strictest fugitive emission requirements even when subjected to extremely high pressure and temperature fluctuations.
The German valve manufacturer also offers special options, such as a seat ring spring-loaded on one side or a fire-safe version, for the Type 26d Ball Valve in sizes DN 125 and DN 150.
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