Saudi Aramco validated an emergency butterfly valve sealant system developed by Severn Glocon Group company Severn Leeds.
The Sealant Pressure Injection Reserve Endurance System (SPIRES®) is a progressive technology that overcomes the challenge of resealing damaged valves without a cavity. It mitigates risk of leakage following damage to a butterfly valve’s primary seal caused by abrasive particles. Saudi Aramco’s validation testing provides assurance of its effectiveness prior to wider adoption.
SPIRES® incorporates an emergency sealant system as a fundamental design feature of butterfly valves. Should the primary seal fail, a secondary sealant is injected into a runner behind the disc to compensate for any seat leakage when the valve is set to ‘closed’ position. Tests showed that bubble-tight shut-off can be achieved, even if the seat is badly damaged, avoiding the need for unplanned downtime. Mark Breese, group product development manager – Butterfly Valves at Severn Glocon Group, explains: “This ground-breaking technology enables damaged butterfly valves to be resealed quickly and efficiently without removal from the line. Once the sealant is deployed, the valve can remain operational until the next period of scheduled maintenance.”
A report on the validation testing of SPIRES®, authored by Saudi Aramco’s Omar Al Amri, appeared in the November issue of Hydrocarbon Engineering.