Sedia Teguh, LESER products get Petronas approval

Sedia Teguh with LESER products has been approved by Petronas, Malaysia’s state-owned oil and gas company. “This is very good and important news for our organisation and our partner Sedia Teguh to achieve the additions to their Petronas Licence for the Safety valve categories of pilot operated safety valves, conventional safety valves and balanced bellows. This allows us to focus on growing our market share in Malaysia and offers us opportunities with upcoming projects. One such ‘Global’ project for Petronas is the RAPID Project that includes EPCs from all areas in the world”, said Mark Sinclair, general manager of Asia Pacific at LESER LLP.

Petronas’ Refinery And Petrochemicals Integrated Development (RAPID) Project is part of the larger 6,242-acre Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) project in the state of Johor, Malaysia. RAPID will house refinery and petrochemical complex with a combined capacity of producing 7.7MTPA of various grades of products, including differentiated and specialty chemicals products, gasoline and diesel that meet European specifications. This presents abundant opportunities for LESER.

LESER, which is headquartered in Singapore, will be a valuable safety valve partner to Petronas by proximity. It holds central stock of highly demanded safety relief valves for the region and is well-supported by Malaysia Partners experienced in Oil and Gas Engineering and Services.

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