Severe service valves for Paragominas mine

AMPO POYAM VALVES has recently supplied several severe service valves for Plateau Tailings Dam project at the Paragominas bauxite mine, located in the east of the state of Pará in Northern Brazil. The end user HYDRO (MINERAÇAO PARAGOMINAS S.A.) have trusted again in AMPO POYAM VALVES for the design and manufacture of 65 severe service valves for the tailings pipeline of the mine, whose main objective is bauxite transportation. The valve sizes ranges from 2” to 24” and the pressure range varies from 150# to 900#.

The Engineering team of AMPO worked intensively in order to develop an optimum solution to deal with abrasion and erosion of the bauxite slurry, as well as line pressure. With the aim of guaranteeing the quality of all ball valves, AMPO POYAM VALVES also carried out pneumatic and hydraulic FAT tests, both witnessed by the end user and culminated with total success. These valves will be finally installed in 2017 and AMPO SERVICE will provide start-up services for the project, as well as training services and commissioning support.

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