Severn Ball Valves senior team

Severn Ball Valves has appointed Brian Wood and Ashley Walker as General Manager and Sales Manager, respectively. The pair’s extensive experience in the provision of valves for the oil and gas industry was instrumental in their selection for the senior roles. Together, they are tasked with driving the newly launched business forward, and they have ambitious plans for the future. Brian Wood has been supplying oil companies with valves for over 30 years and he has a wide-ranging knowledge of applications and service conditions. His aim is to earn the business a reputation for thorough, intelligent specification and supply of quarter and multi-turn isolation valves. Coming from a pure stockist environment, he believes that the in-house testing and repair facilities offered by Severn Ball Valves bring a tremendous advantage – particularly for offshore applications. Ashley Walker has spent the majority of his career working with ball valves, with over 20 years focused on the North Sea offshore industry. He is working closely with European manufacturers of isolation valves to ensure products supplied by Severn Ball Valves have the high level of integrity required to meet severe service applications.

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