The UK-based manufacturer Severn Glocon, the UK manufacturer of industrial control valves, actuators and ancillaries, has produced its entire product catalogue, together with installation and maintenance manuals, on a CD ROM format. The CD ROM is designed to help specifiers, designers and end users throughout Severn Glocon’s customer base, which includes oil, gas, petroleum and chemical processing industries, power generation and utilities. Running under the popular Adobe Acrobat programme, the CD ROM includes the latest version of Acrobat Reader (4.05) for those whose PC does not already have it loaded. Each Severn Glocon catalogue and manual can be viewed from the CD ROM or downloaded onto the PC hard drive, offering a faster retrieval time. In addition to comprehensive new control valve product information, the CD ROM also includes information on Severn Unival’s valve aftermarket services, encompassing maintenance, repair and re-engineering activities, supported by electronic valve tagging technologies.