Severn Trent upgrade

New and refurbished Rotork electric valve actuators are being used throughout a major upgrade project at one of Severn Trent Water’s largest water treatment works. Opened originally in the early 1900s, Bamford WTW takes water from the Derwent, Howden and Ladybower reservoirs in the Peak District to supply Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire at a rate of up to 197 megalitres per day. The GBP 5 million project for treatment modifications, undertaken by
Norwest Holst Construction Ltd, involves the refurbishment of inlet works, rapid gravity filters and lime plant, together with the installation of new washwater recovery plant, instrumentation and analysers. As an integral part of this work, Rotork’s specialist Retrofit department has installed new IQ electric actuators on existing valves and refurbished 60 existing Rotork actuators on the site, as well as providing a commissioning service on the new Rotork AQ actuators that were supplied on new Saint Gobain valves.

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