SIPOS aids chlor-alkali industry

SIPOS 5 Flash actuators have been supplied to the Holford brine fields where INEOS Enterprises (Mid Cheshire, UK) extracts around 36,000m3 of brine each day. Weak brine is pumped from wells to saturators.  INEOS’ brine and water business plays a pivotal role supporting the chemical industry in the North West of England providing brine for production of chlor-alkali products. The actuators are mounted on pump delivery recycle butterfly valves and normally open over 80 seconds, however, if a reverse flow is detected, the actuator closes the valve in just ten seconds to protect the pump. The ability of the SIPOS actuator to provide flexible control in both routine and emergency operation has been key to selection of the product for this application. SIPOS has supplied SIPOS 5 Flash, Profitron 2SG5 part-turn actuators to aid INEOS Enterprises’ brine production process.
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