SIPOS surge control secures contracts

Variable speed technology from SIPOS Aktorik, which addresses water surge, has supported selection of the actuation supplier for a number of challenging contracts. Travel-dependant, adjustable positioning of SIPOS 5 Flash actuators generates linear flow enabling fine tuning of operating speeds to prevent water hammer. Applications that confirm SIPOS’ capabilities controlling water surge include East Cherry Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District’s booster pump station in Colorado: SIPOS’ solution manages water flow from the high volume pump to successfully avoid hammer which could damage the station’s water system. SIPOS has also supplied Villamor reservoir pumping station in the Philippines. Serving the Villamor airbase, the station encompasses three terminals and the residential region east of Pasay City. The stroke-time curve functionality of SIPOS’ actuators has prevented water hammer during operation. Other installations where SIPOS products have performed to avoid water hammer include district heating, pump station, ultrafiltration and sewage pumping schemes across Europe, Asia and Australasia.
Variable speed actuator technology from SIPOS Aktorik prevents water hammer
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