STATS Group bags 10-year Qatargas contract

STATS Group has secured a ten year contract by a major LNG operator in the Middle East in excess of USD 10M. The EPRS and pre-planned isolation contract follows the completion of a similar multi-million pound contract on behalf of LNG producer Qatargas.

The specialist pipeline-engineering group will design, manufacture and test pipeline isolation and intervention equipment for a range of pipeline sizes from 16” to 38”. The equipment will be stored in Qatar in a state of readiness, for pre-planned and emergency situations, at the client’s offshore gas production facilities located in Qatar’s North Field and onshore LNG plant at Ras Laffan industrial city. The contract includes the supply of double block and bleed isolation tools including Remote Tecno Plugs™ from 16” to 38”, subsea monitoring and communication systems and 32” and 38” BISEP™ intervention tools and hot tapping equipment. The installation of the isolation and intervention tooling suites will provide positive isolation at the required location and a safe environment to carry out quick and effective repair on subsea and onshore pipelines in the event of a damage incident.

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