Steam trap testing

Tyco Valves and Controls offers steam trap users an evaluation service based on a standard ANSI/ASME test, enabling users to ensure that they have the correct product for a specific task and ensuring that the efficiency of steam traps can be effectively monitored. Users of steam traps and other condensate removal devices (orifices and valves) in steam systems have a real financial stake in proper performance evaluation. With hundreds or more of such devices scattered throughout the plant, yearly financial savings or losses in steam consumption can amount to thousands of pounds. Also involved are the capital and maintenance costs for replacing or repairing devices judged to be defective.
Steam trap checking is the process of determining whether or not a trap is functioning correctly. In order to obtain meaningful results, traps should be tested under controlled conditions that are typical of actual field applications. A minimum of three traps of a given design should be tested. User do not have to rely on the claims of manufacturers or on their own judgement alone. A standard test exists which manufacturers can apply, both for testing their own products and to enable a user to make comparisons with competitor’s products.

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