SUEZ signs four new contracts in Africa

SUEZ has won four new contracts in Africa with a total value of more than EUR 95M.

In Egypt, SUEZ and its partner, Arab Contractor, will build the energy recovery unit for the sludge generated by the East Alexandria wastewater treatment plant, which has a capacity of 800,000 m3/day.

In Uganda, the National Water and Sewage Corporation (NWSC) has awarded SUEZ and its partner, Sogea Satom, the contract to design and build the Katosi drinking water production plant near Kampala. The contract also includes the construction of a water intake point in Lake Victoria, reservoirs and a sludge treatment unit, taking into account the major anti-seismic constraints in the region.

In Nigeria, through its consulting activities, SUEZ is assisting with the Niger Delta Support Program, supported by the government of Nigeria and the European Union in the fields of water and sanitation. This contract will guarantee the supply of drinking water for communities and villages, thanks to the development of small water supply infrastructures. SUEZ is also responsible for improving water governance by reinforcing the institutional, legislative and regulatory framework in each of the States.

In Morocco, SUEZ has won a new contract with a term of one year for the complete management of waste from three production sites of Lesieur Cristal, a subsidiary of the Avril Group. The main production site concerned is the one at Aïn Harrouda, located to the North of Casablanca.

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