Superseat footvalves offer corrosion resistance

Fort Vale had developed a methodology for incorporating a permanent 904L seat within all footvalves. This feature will be introduced across the ranges in the coming months. This allows them help customers who have applications that perhaps do not merit fully exotic materials, but for which an upgrade from 316 stainless steel would be desirable.

The first valve series to incorporate this seat is cleanflow valve. Designated as the ‘Superseat’, it will come at no extra charge.

316 stainless steel valves offer a broad chemical resistance and food-duty spectrum which allows them to carrying products safely, hence their wide use. However, certain chemicals, concentration percentages, or environments, can lead to a form of localised corrosion – crevice corrosion – which is particularly prevalent at the union of the sealing face and the main footvalve seal.

By utilising 904L, a material with a much higher pitting index than 316 stainless steel, a greater resistance is offered to a wider range of chemical applications. The overlay principal adopted by Fort Vale to integrate this material into all its standard 316 stainless steel valve bodies will ensure long-life and trouble free use.

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