Tajikistan: hydropower plants

A contract for the construction of a series of Sangtudin hydropower plants has been signed by representatives of Tajikistan, Russia, and Iran. "It is a single technical project. Sangtudin Power Plant 1 will be built by the Unified Energy Systems (UES) of Russia and Sangtudin Power Plant 2 will be built by Iran," Tajikistan’s Power Industry Minister Dzhurabek Nurmakhmadov said. After the meeting of the sides a trilateral protocol on the construction of the series and two bilateral protocols were signed: between Tajikistan and Russia on building Sangtudin Power Plant 1 and between Tajikistan and Iran on the construction of Sangtudin Power Plant 2. The capacity of Sangtudin 1, which will be located in southern Tajikistan, 120km away from Dushanbe, will be about 670MW. The power plant will have four generating units and its dam will be 70 metres high. The capacity of Sangtudin 2 will be 220MW, but it can be increased to 260MW. The approximate cost of that power station ranges between USD 160 and 180 million, and the entire sum is to be contributed by Iran.

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