Technip awarded contract for Alma and Galia

Technip was awarded by EnQuest Britain Limited a contract for the development of the Alma and Galia fields, located 310km Southeast of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. The fields, which will be tied back to the EnQuest Producer floating production storage and offloading unit (FPSO), are located at a water depth of approximately 80m.

The contract covers:

• Installation of two 10” production flexible flowlines(1), one 8” water injection flexible flowline and one further 8” production flexible flowline,

• Installation of three 8” flexible risers(2),

• Installation of two production control umbilicals(3)/risers,

• Installation of four power cables and associated dynamic risers,

• Procurement, fabrication and installation of a 175 ton manifold structure,

• Associated trenching operations, tie-ins, testing and commissioning.

Technip’s operating center in Aberdeen will execute the contract. Vessels from the Technip fleet will be used for the campaign including the Skandi Arctic and the Orelia, as well as third-party vessels.

(1) Flowline: a flexible or rigid pipe, laid on the seabed, which allows the transportation of oil/gas production or injection of fluids. Its length can vary from a few hundred meters to several kilometers.

(2) Riser: a pipe or assembly of pipes used to transfer produced fluids from the seabed to the surface facilities or to transfer injection fluids, control fluids or lift gas from the surface facilities and the seabed.

(3) Umbilical: an assembly of steel tubes and/or hydraulic hoses which can also include electrical cables or optic fibres used to control subsea structures from a platform or a vessel.

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