TIV Valves celebrates first year in Pietro Fiorentini

Pietro Fiorentini completed the acquisition of the majority stake of TIV Valves Srl, an Italian manufacturer of ball valves based in Rescaldina, Milan. A year later, the evaluation of that operation is extremely positive: the entry of Pietro Fiorentini into TIV Valves has initiated a strategic relaunch that has been successfully achieved, bringing benefits for both companies. 
The financial strength of Pietro Fiorentini has made it possible to plan investments aimed at internalizing many production processes (e.g. welding stations and Computer Numerical Control machines) to make TIV a fully integrated manufacturing valve company.
The acquisition also guaranteed to Pietro Fiorentini Group the opportunity to participate and be competitive in large international projects where the breadth of range and financial resources are required, qualities that are now in TIV.
Regarding production, the two companies have integrated and supported each other thanks to the work in the synergy between the different structures, exploiting their mutual skills and technical knowledge. Revolutionary has been the introduction of the Lean Methodology, which for years has characterized Pietro Fiorentini and which has allowed TIV Valves to implement a new production layout (on a production structure that has exceeded 10,000 square meters) and greater integration of the supply chain, achieving unprecedented cost-efficiency.
TIV can compete fully with the leading valve manufacturers in the world. An extraordinary milestone reached in just twelve months, which opens the door to an even brighter future.
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