Trevallyn Dam valve replacement works

Hydro Tasmania will undertake work in early 2016 to replace three large dewatering valves built into Trevallyn Dam. The valves were installed in Trevallyn Dam when it was built in the 1950s. The USD 6M project is vital to the dam’s future operation and safety, and will improve the reliability of water released for the environment and for a range of stakeholders. The timing of the project from January to March is to ensure the safety of workers involved.

Project Manager Andrew Rumsby said the valves had reached the end of life and needed to be replaced so Hydro Tasmania can safely provide these releases and manage the level of Lake Trevallyn.

“The most critical decision was to undertake the work during summer. We recognise this is a popular time for recreation users and visitors but it is also when there is the lowest chance of high rainfall and spill,” Mr Rumsby said.

During the work there will be no capacity to provide flushing flows or recreational water releases. To reduce the likelihood of water quality issues that have been known to occur in First Basin during summer months, Hydro Tasmania will provide a flushing flow prior to the start of the work in January.

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