TWD carries out gas valve upgrade project in GoM

Pipeline services specialist T.D. Williamson (TDW) executed a gas valve upgrade project on a deepwater gas export pipeline offshore New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) for a major operator. Working in a strategic partnership with the operator, TDW provides pipeline pressure isolation services under the terms of a global pipeline isolation and intervention services contract entered into in 2012. TDW uses its remote-controlled SmartPlug tool to isolate pressure in specific sections of pipelines and risers so that repairs or interventions can be carried out safely.

Initially, TDW was required to isolate a 16” gas riser connected to a major subsea gas pipeline network in order to replace a valve, so it carried out engineering work, assembled the pressure isolation tool, and completed all factory acceptance testing (FAT) in mid-2012. Plans changed when the operator decided to postpone replacement of the single valve so that three additional valves could be installed, and a launcher extension could be added to facilitate inline inspection tool runs.

“Because we worked in such close cooperation with this strategic partner, we developed an extremely high level of communication and understanding, which was essential to making the isolation a first-time run success”, said Bjørn-Olav Gilje, Project Manager for TDW.

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