Two decades of collaboration call for celebration

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the partnership between KLINGER and Groupe Efire. The successful 20 years of close collaboration have culminated in this year’s anniversary celebration.

The world of industry has always been driven by two key principles: relentless innovation and adaptive growth. Groupe Efire and KLINGER Group are two companies that have steadfastly embodied these principles throughout their history. Both have navigated their unique paths, etching their names in the history of the industry with every strategic acquisition, innovative product, and focused growth effort.

Both Groupe Efire and KLINGER have been relentless in their pursuit of innovation. While Groupe Efire focused on acquiring and preserving the unique identities of various companies, KLINGER brought revolutionizing products to the market, like the world’s first asbestos-free gasket material, KLINGERSIL. The history of these companies shows a remarkable ability to adapt and innovate.

The long-standing partnership between KLINGER Group and Groupe Efire was commemorated with an event held in Lyon, France. Representatives from both companies came together at Eynard Robin – one of Groupe Efire’s subsidiaries – to honor their shared history, success, and mutual respect. The occasion was marked by speeches reflecting on past achievements and looking forward to future goals, with a strong emphasis on continued cooperation and mutual growth. In addition to formal proceedings, the event also featured a plant tour at Eynard Robin – and team activities designed to foster camaraderie and team spirit between the two companies.

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