Two valve operation brands merged to form Sofis

Netherlocks and Smith Flow Control have combined to form Sofis, bringing about a more diversified organisation with a wider portfolio of valve safety and operation products.

The new company will also offer better application engineering and after-sales service, while a new regional sales structure will deliver improved local support.

Sofis’ dedicated business development managers and innovation teams will work closely with customers to design new solutions in each of its product groups: process safety, drive systems and valve monitoring. The new company will operate from 11 offices in nine countries.

Since 1993, Dutch firm Netherlocks has been manufacturing industrial valve operation systems, including valve interlocks, valve position indicators, partial stroke testing devices and portable valve actuators.

Smith Flow Control was formed in the UK in 1985. The organisation was the first to introduce the coded card linear key concept to interlocking, and specialises in mechanical valve control equipment, as well as portable actuator and remote valve operators.

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