Tyco supplies water treatment works

Tyco Valves & Controls has won a contract to supply Essex & Suffolk Water with A.S. Interface (Actuator Sensor Interface) electric actuators and interface cards as part of the refurbishment of their pressure filtres at Walpole Water Treatment Works near Walpole, Suffolk. Tyco had already delivered A.S. Interface technology to the customer, having recently completed a similar project for them, using Keystone double-acting pneumatic actuators fitted with A.S. Interface modules, at their Layer de la Haye water treatment works. The A.S. Interface-equipped electric actuators will provide digital control of the valve systems, isolating and controlling the filtering functions of the water treatment filtres. Failsafe features incorporated as standard allow digital feedback of the motor temperature alarm, and in the event of a bus communication failure the valve will be driven to a predetermined failsafe position. These functions guarantee the precise control of the plant, even under abnormal circumstances. Essex and Suffolk Water’s Walpole Works is fully automated and has an abstraction capacity of 3.86 mega-litres per day. By adopting up-to-date digital technology, the customer minimised installation and operation costs whilst improving operating efficiency.

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