From November 2010, Valve World Expo will be staged in Düsseldorf. Messe Düsseldorf GmbH has acquired the leading global event for valves and valve accessories from KCI Publishing B.V., based in Zutphen, the Netherlands, which launched the trade fair in 1998 and has been responsible for organising and running the event in the Dutch city of Maastricht every two years since then. Conducted in tandem with Valve World Expo’s 2010 run, the Valve World Conference, scheduled for 30 November to 2 December, will also be hosted at the Düsseldorf Trade Fair Center. KCI Publishing B.V. will remain the coordinator of the leading international industry conference. The two organisers have also agreed to work closely together to promote the trade fair’s further development.
Donald Wiedemeyer, CEO of KCI Publishing B.V., sees the event’s move to Düsseldorf as a great opportunity for Valve World: “Over the past few years, Valve World Expo has developed very positively to the extent that we are pushing up against our limits in terms of venue and organisational capacity. In Düsseldorf, the event will have a chance to continue expanding and extend its international reach even further. The city and fairgrounds’ infrastructure is excellent, plus Messe Düsseldorf is known for its exceptional expertise and experience in the organisation of leading international fairs. Our clients can only benefit from all of this! KCI Publishing and Messe Düsseldorf will work hand in hand to provide exhibitors and visitors with the ideal conditions for doing business.”
Valve World Conference Director Mr. Sjef Roymans also regards the cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf as an opportunity to further build on the successful formula of an integrated event. “Valve World and the Valve World Steering Committee will continue to organise the Valve World Conference. Messe Düsseldorf will facilitate the Valve World Conference, which will always be held in parallel with the Valve World Expo. With the backing of Messe Düsseldorf’s proven organisational experience and the vicinity of an international airport, we expect that the Valve World Conference will also definitely further expand both in terms of quantity and quality.”
Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, President and CEO of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, is delighted with this addition to the trade fair programme: “Valve World Expo is the world’s No. 1 event for its industry and, together with the Valve World Conference, it serves as an important meeting point for flow control professionals. It also fits in perfectly with our portfolio of metallurgy trade fairs staged here in Düsseldorf as well as around the world. I am confident of Valve World Expo’s great growth potential and believe that we can do a lot towards making this respected event even more successful!”
Valve World Expo’s robust development over the past few years has been reflected not only in ongoing increases in exhibitor and visitor numbers but also the amount of floor space booked. The latest event in November 2006 attracted 430 exhibiting companies from 34 countries and some 9,000 trade visitors from Europe, Asia, North and Latin America as well as 400 conference participants. The upcoming trade fair, to be staged in Maastricht from 4 to 6 November 2008, is fully booked and will significantly surpass the results of Valve World 2006. Trade visitors are active predominantly in the on- and off-shore oil and gas industries, the (petro)chemical industries, (nuclear) power generation, food industries and shipbuilding. What’s more, materials and plant engineers, quality controllers, valve suppliers, wholesalers and retailers as well as supply manufacturers involved in casting, forging, industrial springs and seals take advantage of the Valve World Expo and Conference to brush up on the global range of products and services as well as to discuss the latest technical trends. Joachim Schäfer, the Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf responsible, among other things, for the metallurgy trade fairs and, in future, Valve World Expo, believes the change in venue brings many benefits with it: “The expertise we have built up through organising leading international trade fairs will be of tremendous service to this highly innovative event’s international clients in giving them the edge in global competition. For many years now, Düsseldorf has been ranked as one of the world’s trade fair venues with the greatest international reach. Taken together with our subsidiaries and foreign representative offices, we have a presence in 105 countries. Thanks to optimum transport connections, getting to Düsseldorf is quick and easy from all continents.”
Right from its founding in 1947, Messe Düsseldorf has specialised in organising trade and industry fairs, and has achieved worldwide acclaim in this field. At the heart of its portfolio are the 40 fairs focusing on machinery, plant and equipment, retail and wholesale, trades and services as well as medicine and health. The Düsseldorf Trade Fair Center boasts cutting-edge exhibition halls and conference facilities. As for the comprehensive service offerings for exhibitors and visitors, they have long been part of the bricks and mortar. The city of Düsseldorf has an abundance of hotels, hospitality and retail businesses of all categories. Plus, it’s not just the famous Old Town that beckons with a wonderful atmosphere after a day at the fair or a conference.
Further information is available at www.valve-world.net and www.messe-duesseldorf.de or via Valve World, PO Box 396, NL 7200 AJ Zutphen, the Netherlands, tel. +31 575 585 270 , fax +31 575 511099.
The photo above shows from left to right: Sjef Roymans, Editorial & Conference Director, KCI Publishing B.V.; Willy van der Hoeven, Director KCI Publishing B.V.; Donald Wiedemeyer, CEO KCI Publishing B.V.; Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director Messe Düsseldorf GmbH; Hans-Werner Reinhard, Division Director Messe Düsseldorf GmbH; Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, Director Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.
Press contact:
Donald Wiedemeyer/Sjef Roymans
KCI Publishing B.V.
Tel:+31 575-585 282
Fax: +31 575-511 099
Email: D.Wiedemeyer@KCI-World.com
Donald Wiedemeyer/Sjef Roymans
KCI Publishing B.V.
Fax: +31 575-511 099
Email: D.Wiedemeyer@KCI-World.com
Eva Rugenstein
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Tel:+49 (0)211-4560 240
Fax: +49 (0)211-4560 8548
Email: RugensteinE@messe-duesseldorf.de
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Fax: +49 (0)211-4560 8548
Email: RugensteinE@messe-duesseldorf.de