Held in Düsseldorf, Germany, the International Rotating Equipment Conference 2012 presented two action-packed days of activity on the 27th and 28th September. Despite the wet and blustery weather, 850 participants came together from 42 countries worldwide to attend the many technical lectures and to visit the stands at the show. Of these visitors, an impressive 30% were end users.
The show covers a range of rotating equipment, with a clear focus on compressors and pumps. Pump Engineer therefore attended the event, looking to speak to some of the exhibiting companies, speakers and visitors.
`Proper alignment critical for pump performance`, says Prüftechnik’s Mr Stachelhaus
New engineer Mr Al-Khaldi is enjoying working for Saudi Aramco
Physics can help measure pump performance, says Malcolm Robertson
HMS Group increasingly international pump force
Sulzer can meet product development challenges, says Mr Berten
Mr Vogel explains how the right software can help pump users and makers
For proper pump alignment, select the right components, says Mr Dressler
Mr Al-Harbi delivers pump reliability for ADCO
Sulzer’s Dirk Küllmey: providing customer support+service very rewarding