Waste treatment plant project in Jordan

Three consortia have pre-qualified to bid for construction of a medical and industrial waste treatment plant at the Ghabawi landfill, situated some 25km east of Amman in Jordan. They are expected to present the project’s technical and financial offers by early November 2007. The three firms are France’s Veolia, India’s RAMKY and Jordanian Nasser Group. They were pre-qualified out of 10 consortia that submitted their pre-qualification documents. The treatment plant, first of its kind to be implemented in the country on a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) basis, would be jointly established by the government and the winning bidder. This scheme seeks to meet the country’s need for a waste management system to protect environmental resources, while ensuring effective management and treatment of medical and industrial waste in compliance with environmental standards. The winning bidder is expected to be announced in late 2007 or early next year.
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