WGK supports oil spill containment project

Wood Group Kenny (WGK) has secured a five-year contract with Oil Spill Response (Capping) Ltd (OSRCL) to provide the maintenance support for a key part of a containment toolkit that would be used to control hydrocarbon release in the event of a subsea well control incident.

The multi-million dollar project will see WGK work with OSRCL to ensure that the flexible flowlines included in the toolkit are continuously in a condition suitable for immediate load out if mobilised by subscribing oil and gas operators. This will include maintenance management, recommendations for preservation, inspection and testing of all ancillary and lifting equipment, as well as the flexible flowlines, stored at sites in the UK, Singapore and Brazil.

The flexible flowlines will be shipped to an incident site in the event of a hydrocarbon release; part of the containment toolkit that can be used at water depths of up to 3,000m and accommodating a range of operating pressures, temperatures and fluid compositions. Intended to be used with standard industry hardware, this equipment needs to be interfaced with a readily available well test riser and well test surface spread on a drill rig or drill ship.

The work will be delivered by WGK teams in Aberdeen and Newcastle in the UK, Perth, Australia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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