Worcester F911 valves for MASFE installation

Flowserve Flow Control has supplied sixteen Worcester F911 cartridge valves for a new Medium Active Salt Free Evaporator (MASFE) installation at the Thorp nuclear reprocessing plant in the North West of England. The MASFE, which replaced existing 10-year old equipment, plays an important role at Thorp, primarily processing medium active liquors, concentrating them down prior to further evaporation and vitrification into glass. To ensure the valves can be maintained efficiently and safely, they are supplied within a control “bulge”, a pre-fabricated and tested extension of the cell. They were housed within a control cabinet and are operated by extension stems, varying in length between 600mm-900mm, that pass through steel shielding as well as the roof of the cabinet. With the valves installed at an angle, two universal joints are used on each stem to ensure alignment. The F911 valves meet the fire testing requirement of ISO10497 and can be manufactured from virtually any wrought material, say Flowserve.
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