Xodus delivers ‘world first’ gas modelling for LNG

Xodus Group has delivered a new integrated production modelling simulation suite for Origin to run complex scheduling scenarios for the Australia Pacific LNG project.

Simulation experts in Xodus’ Perth operation carried out detailed modelling of both the compression facilities and the high pressure pipeline network. The work provides Origin, the upstream operator of Australia Pacific LNG, with the power to run detailed and fully automated operating scenarios through an intuitive user interface to accurately simulate the gas delivery network to maximise operating efficiency and manage delivery risks.

The team used AspenTech’s HYSYS steady-state linked with Microsoft Excel software to simulate several aspects of the project demonstrating novel and world leading simulation capabilities. A further scope of work involved the use of HYSYS Dynamics to produce a hi-fidelity mimic of Origin’s centrifugal compressor control system to fully verify its design prior to installation. The value of both contracts was approximately AUD 300,000.

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