Yokogawa releases automation system

Yokogawa has released an enhanced version of Stardom which complies with the American Gas Association AGA3, AGA7, and AGA8 standards used in North America, South America, and Asia. The enhanced version of Stardom provides gas metering and control functions, as well as a new data-logging function that can store control data and data from field instruments and facilities for access from distant locations via the web. Specific applications include the monitoring and control of production facilities, the remote monitoring and control of district heating/cooling systems and co-generation systems, and the remote monitoring and control of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Stardom employs the international standard IEC61131-3 programming environment and supports a wide range of communication protocols such as Foundation fieldbus, HART, Modbus, and DNP3. It is suitable for oil and gas exploration, petroleum and chemical processing, water disposal, gas supply, and co-generation fields where facilities are widely distributed; small to medium-scale oil, chemical, iron and steel, paper and pulp, food and pharmaceutical plants; and electrical, mechanical and other assembly/processing facilities.
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