Foster Wheeler wins Venezuelan upgrader project

Foster Wheeler Ltd’s Fired Heater Division was awarded a multimillion-dollar contract by Grupo Alvica, a joint venture of Fluor Daniel and Inelectra, for the supply of two delayed coker furnaces. Delayed coking is the process of extracting additional liquid and gaseous products from heavy, “bottom-of-the-barrel” oil by cracking the heavy hydrocarbon molecules into lighter, more valuable products. The delayed coker is a Foster Wheeler licensed process. The furnaces will be installed at Petrolero Ameriven’s Hamaca crude upgrader project located in Jose, Venezuela. Grupo Alvica is responsible for engineering, procurement and construction of the Hamaca unit. Foster Wheeler’s Fired Heater Division will provide the design, materials, and fabrication of the furnaces. The furnaces are supplied in large, shop-assembled modules for easy installation at the job site. Shipment is to be completed by February 2002.

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