Macleod Trail SW valve upgrade in July 2016

The City of Calgary Water Services unveiled its plan for a MacLeod Trail Feedermain Valve Upgrade Project, which will see the replacement and removal of aging infrastructure at five locations along Macleod Trail SW between 50 Ave. SW and 34 Ave. SW. This infrastructure is located within the southbound lanes of Macleod Trail.

Construction will be conducted between July 18-July 30, 2016. This work is being done as a result of Water Services regular operational maintenance program which assesses the water infrastructure and determines what upgrades needs to happen to ensure system reliability.

During the 12 days, commuters can expect traffic disruptions (lane closures and possible detours) to allow for crews to safely gain access to the underground pipes and valves. To accomplish the work, a four km segment of the feedermain from 50 Ave. SW to 17 Ave. SE. will be shut down and drained. Temporary water lines will be in place for any water service disruptions to homeowners and businesses.

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